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[ World Rankings 01 2020 ]

World Rankings no. 01/2020

 There are 61 players on the list on ..202001: Players 12-22
 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 

RankPrevious rankFLADUBChange Last time played Name and local coordinatesWorld No.Info
202001202001 2930+2193  05.01.2020   GM Jan Tore EvensenList of active players in Norway List of active players in Viken79Statistics on GM Jan Tore Evensen
202001202001 2211+1244  08.01.2020   David BaderList of active players in Norway List of active players in Viken41Statistics on David Bader
202001202001 2123+380  05.01.2020   Hege LofthusList of active players in Norway List of active players in Oslo56Statistics on Hege Lofthus
202001202001 1577+693  10.01.2020   Frank AmlingList of active players in Germany List of active players in Lower Saxony71Statistics on Frank Amling
202001202001 1576+352  08.01.2020   IM Frank LindemannList of active players in Germany List of active players in Mecklenburg-West Pommerania5Statistics on IM Frank Lindemann
202001202001 1538+41  10.01.2020   List of active players in Germany List of active players in Lower Saxony19Statistics on Christopher Flathmann
202001202001 1504-282  31.12.2019   GM WolstList of active players in Germany List of active players in Bremen18Statistics on GM  Wolst
202001202001 1403+190  08.01.2020   IM BaderList of active players in Switzerland List of active players in Solothurn4Statistics on IM  Bader
202001202001 1326+379  05.01.2020   Sofia Maria Magdalena Gram-HallbertList of active players in Norway List of active players in Viken85Statistics on Sofia Maria Magdalena Gram-Hallbert
202001202001 1112-186  31.12.2019   Nicole PaschkeList of active players in Germany List of active players in Bremen164Statistics on Nicole Paschke
202001202001 1101-183  31.12.2019   Alex KleeList of active players in Switzerland List of active players in Basel-City34Statistics on Alex Klee

Winner of the month: Jan Tore Evensen (202001) with 2193 FLADUB

Looser of the month: Wolst (202001) with -282 FLADUB


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