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[ WC 2024 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015   World Championship 2014
Domino World Champion 2019: Hege Lofthus

25th Domino World Champion 2019: Hege Lofthus

35 players from Norway, Germany and Switzerland took part in the 2019 Domino World Championship at six venues.

This year, the cup went to Norway for the second time to Hege Lofthus from Oslo, who triumphantly concluded her successful domino year after the Scandinavian Vice-Champion and two months World Number One with this renewed victory. In 2011 she had won the coveted title for the first time.

The 2018 runner-up Christopher Flathmann successfully defended his title. He was only closely beaten by Hege. The bronze title was won by two-time world champion Guðný Ósk Scheving, also from Norway. The best Swiss participant was Alex Klee in 9th place.

The 2018 World Champion Max Nolting failed to defend his title. This year he ended up on place 31.

The picture shows the Swiss participants at their venue in Ettingen – but the accompanying delicious and rich buffet seemed to hinder their sporting success …

World Cup participants in Switzerland

Covered buffet table


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